I did my Post Graduation  in M.Sc(ICT-ARD) from Dhirubhai Ambani University.

I has been an immature artist, Concerned citizen and responsible person. I always try to keep things simple, straight and accurate but never completely did so far, because of the ecstasy of life that transplanted my immovable feeling into flying squad.

In this page You(netizen) only finds the current trends, new articles, social issues and science related contents. I never want to misuse time of any one. To me 'Time' is one of the precious gem or may be GOD. I hope for the best use of information and knowledge that possessed by any channels. I  encourage free, open knowledge creation and sharing. Humanity, Science and Technology  try to build better society.


  1. Yes,
    You are Diligence and Versatile.
    I know you very well...!!! :)


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