Too little cash and Too much politics in UNESCO

The recent withdrawl of both America and Israel from UNESCO over allegation of "Anti Israel" stand. The facts and allegations are totally mixed up and led to political tussel between the UN and USA. The outcome of such event generally fall upon the inability of enforcement of UN and reputation of UNESCO as peace ambassador.

Why too little money?

UNESCO receives major part of its income from its assessed, mandatory membership contribution. The membership countries had to pay for regular budget. which were adopted by UNESCO General Conference on biannual basis. Through voluntary contributions of governmental and Non-governemntal bodies budget get supplemented.
                                                                                 The 60% of UNESCO budget is covered by all member nations. USA alone provide 1/5th fund of the total budget every year. Since 2011, USA withheld it's funds. which had resulted in financial crisis of UNESCO. Israel also vows to UNESCO about $10 million. This pilled up into huge debt for the programs and projects.

Why too much politics?

The politics of west Asia is always in turmoil. The boarder issues of palestine and Israel is flash point for global politics. The recent admission of Palestine in UNESCO as member received strong protest from Israel. USA and Israel were the 14 out of 194 countries to voted against the admission of palestine. Many nations even though took stand for preserving the human rights but never took strong condemnation on USA and Israel politics.
                                                                  The identification Jerusalem as Israel capital by USA increased the tension within the reason. The The designation of Hebron and the two adjoined shrines the Jewish Tomb of the Patriarchs and the Muslim Ibrahimi Mosque is also marred by controversy. Penalising the UNESCO by democratic country like USA is really back step towards multiculturalism.


              In situations like test the metal of UNESCO for its credibility. In apt manner UNESCO looked for other nations contribution for meeting the cash crunch. The West until now set agenda for the cultural exchanges and has been the leader of colourful world in UNESCO. The recent power shifts put the other  major players for influencing the world. Taking this as an opportunity Saudi Arabia, Norway, China, Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, Qatar and Algeria have all sprung to UNESCO’s aid. UNESCO is in a transition phase and will adjust to new normal in multipolarity world.


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