Secular INDIAN Game

  A Deep thought can kill problem

Indian Secular paradigm:

                                                                  This article heading might draw attention of those who want to judge or interested to know the young generation perspective, How ever being an undisputed citizen of present times I will try to give a positive, fruitful and distinct contribution to beliefs.

Religion would no longer should be consider as  just a personal activity of  salvation or cultural motivation for sustainable mukthi (No human life again). It (religion) actually transformed into business model, individual vulnerable point and even terrifying subject in country. In developed country(at least I can say) like INDIA a part of religion and caste play mediocre more than meritocracy. The frenzy elements like terrorists, irresponsible citizens causing the damage to the social fabric of this country. Instead of solving the problem of human and nature, many living beings of this country involved in burning of  effigies, protesting on roads for narrow goals, blocking the natural thought process. If the religion or community practices were seriously questioned or criticised (Regarding kamal 'Vishwaroopam', Amir khan 'Pk' movies) shoutdowning the entire city or nation is medival mindset. When ever 'INDIAN' secular group want to do reform or bring a change they do so by candle light rallies, hash tag messaging,long discussions in secured walls and demands serious punishment to fellow citizens. Their is no registered secular group as such but most of  secular warriors always project the mass hysteria of change in religious felling and practices. In reality the community mob listens to the head of temple institutions(Pointifs), Mullas', or Priest. In terms of religious practices many religions claim there allegiance to their holy books instead of constitution. Why the secualar brigade never ask such questions?  

As of know the situation on globe only see the boundaries drawn for their geographical appearance. However, if you map the ideas and actions of the people then we can understand the level of destruction and quality of other human on this planet. The case of boka harma were thousands of people were massacred can be seen in info-graphic maps. I think INDIAN vast pool of thinkers, reformers, social activists and policy makers actually defended the unseen and unpredictable damage. This truly changed the spectrum of religious tolerance and acceptance even in the presence of strong religious mindset.What it is needed for the next level of tolerance is the re-invention of religions and even more new religions with proper back check  in society. 

In the present technology world the updation and customization brought comfort and peace to the people. Fixing the same trousers to every body would not be realistic or even it would be fairy tale. Many working minds know that  "GOOD HINDU fight with  GOOD MUSLIM", A "GOOD INDIAN fight with GOOD CHINESE" or even "GOOD COMMUNIST fight with GOOD DEMOCRATS".  The need of the hour isnot the goodness among people what we need is conscious and sensible people.

The recent issues of religions can not be solved in present form, any alternative to them can be possible by upgrading the religious mindset. For this to happen the investment in education in both primary and secondary needed. The scientific and rational thinking bring down the level of ignorance rather than the mere protests. Inorder to impart the equality of thought the right experiences of people bring the real change. For this to happen the common dinning halls, common prayers, and common service contribution helps for any nation. Irrespective of caste, religion, creed,language and culture all the  citizens need to go through a dedicated work for some time on daily basis. This brings the entire nation on single act and strengthens the unity.

The mode of western secular practices are great and fit themselves properly. But the level of advancement in education, scientific temper, and accumlated wealth rise the level of perception which would not fit for the eastern framework where everything is sin and pure. Inorder to move the society the work on individual or community is important. This can be called as lifelong involvement for this the people of the time need to be commited for the process.  


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