Complex of Indian Right wing and Left Wing


                     As a political spectrum getting more worst, the shadow of the economy always dies in the dark and What left to people is Politics. The political dilemma always arises for any student of law and politics to which hood or group does the modern indian belongs. The debate of the news and academic studies in general put the liberals into the leftiests and conservatives into rightists boxs. Since india of 1947  choosen to democratic from British India, the parliament democracy plays important role in a society of its times. The multi party system is adopted by the then wise leaders of the day and this need to be preserved and cherished. 

  The image above provided is machine where the tubes are totally intertwined in different directions. It is a metaphor for my understanding of situation that I would like to discuss. The societies are just a group of people that we usually met everyday simply put our dear and nearones. The kind of ideas, understandings and dreams generally picked up by these society individuals. I rarely come across with people who do not have ideas or dreams.These smells of ideas may drive individual to activity.The person who I am? is largely have identity of religion, caste and regional. But the identity which I taken on is well nurtured and strengthen by the parents, schools and politicians. I am proud of my identity without any doubt. But the incidents which are taken up by the news channel made me to think that the freedom that I generally exercised and not exercised come under Liberal thoughts and  ideas or activity that I went through are mostly conservative actions. Simply put I have Rightist actions when comes to thinking  and Leftist ideas when it comes to action . 

For few years I rattled myself to which group do I belongs. When it comes to food, clothing and social behaviour of my parllels called me a Right winger(Pure vegetarian),because the influence of the parents and communities is stronger than the rest. In this case many of my friends are Left wingers( eat meat but belongs to minority group) because of their strong association of families and their respective communities too. In present world the food that I consume largely vegetarian and consider as Liberal in global sense and protection of animals are considered as epitom of humanity. Where as the friends that I saw who eats animals strictly for their appetite is consider as conservatives and as a big Inhumans by Leftwing globals. In dress sense the product of modern lifestyle  put most of them into devotees of Jeans and T-shirts many of us probably consider it as liberation and counted by parallels as liberals. But the parents, relatives and communities are totally wrapped in traditionally fitted attairs and counted them as Conservatives. These conservative dresses are dull which means they are not "Soo Cool". Then I come to understand the influency of movies and mostly western movies is huge on young, this made the choices of youngster like me to tilt towards the liberal aspect. For a tropical country like India the choice of dress need to fit the local business and comforts. This can only served by the traditional or "not so cool" dress wore by my parents.Which means the ill liberal or not so liberal aspect of the idea need to be encouraged depending on the geographical accident.

Drawing to issue of influencing the history of man is always been there, right from evolution. We are either influencing or get influened by idea or by activity. It is not the rationality of thought that directing humans.It is sheer working of the model or flexibility of ignorance. The role of book always presided over the human thought. In Indian context since every religion or religious mindset do have holy books. Finding Indians involvement with which book is challenging question. The man in totallity do not exercise the book completely, but always aspire to fallow the text faithfully. The past history always show that the conflict of humans either for the religion, cultural and ideology do exists. Conflict between people within family or in institution or in organisation or in nation is inevitable. It is all about less violence and less conflict and less exclusion. The path of any religion which is less accomidative to others will face problem and disappear in no time. Violence is always painful but reaps fruits very fast than the non violence. The value of debate and discussion can only exist for rational thought and violence is no rational thought. The undervalue of non violence bought the importance of violence on surface. Violence is not selective it just enrages the human with in and drives him crazy. If the India as modern state want to live the trade of cultural and ideology exchanges are needed for its robustness. 

The role of Indian constitution is understood as very inclusive. The tenents of it are its citizens.  To run the democracy as dynamic vehicle the institutions of it counts more. Legislative, Executive and Judiciary are pillars of the democracy. The fourth pillar which is Journalism is unseen pillar of democracy. It is not cent percent possible for the institution to work ideally. Only a unrealistic or fool can think that "everything and everysystem as incorruptable". The pillars of democracy is not always reliable in context of corruption. The intelligence of humans either male or female is infinate. Fixing to morals and ethics and values is good idea. But, when it is advantageous to people they can easily break any moral, value or ethics for own benefit. The damage of moral and values effect the society. The society may be victim for the unfair treatment but it is the individual which cause the pain and harm. India which is union of society and culture everyday few values are broken and few values are made. These morals and values are accomadated in indian constitutions as articles. 

                The Indian constitution is not understood partially by majority of citizens and minority who reads fight intellectually for the majority. This is unfinished business for any one. The less violence and less pain possible only if majority of them is educated and checked randomly. Their is need of a new institution which regularly educate,train and checks the percentage of nationalism within the residents of nation. The new institution need to be larger than all institution where people who made contribution to nation get a chance to ask the question and get answer from other. The complex of Indian identity should be coexist within boundary because we human have both left and right.



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