Checks and Balances are important than Separation of powers

Indian constitution when prepared and put to discussion many legal luminaries criticised the constituent assembly work some called it as  " A Borrowed Constitution" or "Elephant Size Constitution" and strongly criticised it as "slavish imitation of the western mindset, much more - a slavish surrender to the west".

There is no nation with such a lengthy constitution as India did. This is because of its historical, cultural and civilization roots with the land and people, this constitution came to reality in 1950.  Many amendments and legislative bills added value to the constitutions. Many modern ideas with conservative principles were accomadated by the Indian constitution.The safeguards to minorities with freedoms to individual were laid out in the provisions of constitution. Such provisions is bound to have conflicts or overlaps.

In governance the main organs of the system are Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. Even though the functions of these organs divided among themselves but the powers are clearly demarcted to avoid the conflicts. In a functioning democracy the checks and balances of these organs are important than separation of powers. 

Articles in the constitution which give direction for separation of powers

Article 50: State shall ensure the separation of the judiciary from the executive. This is for the purpose of ensuring the independence of judiciary.

Article 53 and 154 : This provide that the executive power of the union and state shall be vested with the President and the Governor and they have immunity from charges of criminal liability.

Article 121 and 211 : The legislature can not discuss the conduct of a judge of the High Court or Supreme Court. During the impeachment procedure they can do so.

Article 122 and 212 :  The courts can not inquire the validity of the proceedings of the legislatures.

Article 361 : The President and Governor shall not be answerable to any court for the exercise of the powers and duties of  his/her office.

By these articles the constitution strictly provide the doctrine of separation of powers,in reality it is more tilted towards the checks and balances. And more than this constitution does not explicitly back any doctrine.

  • Article 75 : It implies the executive is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha.
  • Judiciary has the power of judicial review over the actions of the executive and the legislature.
  • Judiciary has the power to strike down any law passed by legislature if it is unconstitutional or arbitrary as per Article 13.
  • Although the judiciary is independent in functions, the executive appoints the judges.
  • Legislative branch can remove the judges. It can also alter the basis of judgements while adhering the constitutional limitations. 
Checks and Balances ensure that no one organ become all too powerful. 



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