Principles of Public life

Generally, ethics are the signs of moral doctrine and ideals that preside over the behaviours of a person or group with respect to what is acceptable or not acceptable.  Society expects professionals to behave and act in the public interest. Behaving ethically in compliance within a code of conduct as well as with relevant laws and regulations is an improtant technical competence. working practices  that are informed by the ethical principles are likely to minimize the chances of professional  problems arising and to provide early warning of potentially compromising situations.

The UK for instance, conducted at regular intervals a survey on public attitudes towards CONDUCT in public life and publishes its reports on these surveys. An example of a mechnaism available in the private sector, is the guarantee/warrantee card for a commercial product or service.

The "Principles" for public life were issued by the 'Committe of Standards in Public Life' also known as Nolan committee UK. They effectively reflects these professional standards of public servants.
The Principles are:
1. Selflessness
7. and Leadership

SelflessnessNot look for personal gain, but rather that which is in the public interest.

Integrity: Those in public office should not place themselves in a position where outside factors are an influence in performance of official duties.

Objectivity: In carrying out the public business the public appoitments, giving contracts and rewarding the projects should make on choice of merit.

Accountability: Holders of public office are accountable for their decision and actions to the public and must submit themselves to what ever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.

Openness: Holders of public office should be as open as possible on decisions that make and actions they take. Any restictions on disclosure or availability of information should be based on the needs of public interest.

Honesty: Holders of the office need to declare any private interest relevant and work to protect the public interest. 

Leadership: Holders of the office should promote and support these principles by leadership.

These principles of public life are applicable in every democracy. Arising out of such ethical principles a set of guidelines of public behaviour in the nature of code of conduct becomes essential for public functionaries. 
                                    Any person who is privileged to guide the destiny of people must not only be ethical but must be seen to practice these ethical value. It is at the interface of public action and private interest that the need arises for establishing not just a "Code of Ethics" but a "Code of Conduct". A code of ethics would cover broad guiding principles of good behaviour and governance. While a more specific Code of Conduct should, in a precise and unambiguous manner,stipulate alist of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and action.



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