France can learn from Indian secular model

France is know as heart of revolution. In history of revolutions the contribution by french during 1789 is immense. The famous Liberty, Equality and Fraternity ideals came from such revolutions. These ideals also enriched the Indian constitution by taking prior position in Indian Preamble. India is very much indebted to the french contributions. The France can also learn from the experiments of Indian model of democracy for its benefit. 
The New York Times post of Sylvie Kauffman regarding the Indian model of Secularism and French model of secularism analysied in perspective of Western lens. The text in the post has more Judgemental and Conclusions about India and less real experiences in India. Even she claims to have visited India few trips but it takes life times of experience to understand the model of Indian system and the ways it works. In country like India which is home to more than 176 millions of muslims have only 30 members joined the ISIS. Where as French which supposed to have more educated and wealthy citizens turned out to join more numbers in ISIS. With its (France) 4 to 5 million muslim population around 2,000 french citizens joined ISIS. 

The capital city like Paris is advertised as symbol of World Culture, Art, Painting and Fashion. But, the critic of religious head by a charlie hebdo journal put the test of France secular identity. In any multicultural nations the issues of identity are hot boiling and future ticking bombs. It need to be handled much more carefully then it was handled in past. India which is living civilization and has more identities handled the societies/communities with less frictions and more gently. Like france many more nations can learn from Indian model of secularism. State machinary can not appear in every corner of nation for safety and security. People need to be more inclusive than the state apparatus. India with its less state machinary and wealth able to succed in safety and security. This is truly success of  people psychology.

The general meaning of secularism is strict division of state from religious institutions. In short, the governments won't allow religious influences in public spaces. This can be witnessed in recent ban of full face veils by france government in public spaces. This directly hit the muslim groups which carry the tradition of burqa in modern times. Some consider it as restriction of Freedom of expression or Freedom of Choice. While some other consider it as restriction of Freedom of religon. Even though their is no special allocation of Freedom of religion in french constitution. The ban on full face veil put huge pressure on particular religious community. This lead to psychological tensions among the followers of that community. This practice is consider as negative secularism. It kept state as hinderance towards life salvation of individual. 

India which is mother of more religions has not adopted  no such bans or restrictions. The secular definition in India context is unique and positive. In India context state or governement give equal respect and equal importance to every religion. In fact it allows positive secularism to exercise. The constitution allows the practice of religon, faith and even gave special attention to minority rights. Unlike in religions like Islam and Christianity their are no fundamentals about Hinduism. In history their are battles among kings for religon as motivation. This is the reason why France adopted such divison. This was seen as division of Church and State in france context. The followers of universalism is akin to Hinduism. Hinduism is simply an amalgamation of every practices (Islam, Bhuddhism, Jainism, Suifism, Jesus follwers, Shivism, Shaktism etc) . In India the practice of Islam and followers of Christ is also not homogenous. The political exploitation on religious background was recent one which is an import of Indian polity. Their is no party in India announced itself on a religon identity. But, their are individuals which take strong extremist religion identity. Those can be found in every party. This was taken care as Law and Order Issue. By, this the Indian nation can not be consider as fundamentalist. The death by cow lynchers, Love Jihads, killing os rationalists, Anti minority sentiments are by extremists and law breakers. Indian law enforcement authorities is inefficient due to lagging of resources and very deeply corrupted. This why the cases kept on pending or no strong evidences against allegations. 

So, this is the  reason why India with its huge religious population able to coup up with change of time and continue to live with least frictions. Those frictions are mostly extremist and due to developmental issues. The  communities not just tolerate the other religons or practices they even accept the other ways of liberations and practices. In the technological world the curtailment of aspiration is not practical. The state need to be more inclusive and less exclusive over the issue of choices and freedoms. France can take learning of Indian model of secularism which is more beneficial and practical. 


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