Relations among US and India is like a Seesaw...No wins or loss

India and United States of America are two strong engines of world economy and ambitious democracies with skilled power. The last decade has been a bonhomie between two heads of nation and reaped vibrant results out of it. There are deals made and some deals not so well turned out. The people to people contacts has grown very great due to job and cultural exchanges. The institutional exchanges between legislatures, professionals and think tanks gave productive picture for future benefits.  Although India being a largest democracy still new to the experiment of democracy. The USA being an early bird when it comes to experiment it is very far ahead and successful. Given civilization history India can offer a great assistance to new democracies and future civilizations. These civilization values and methods help the USA for its enrichment of ideas.

                                                       The historic part of both nation mirrored little dark patches and some disturbance during war like situations. The visionary leaders of two nation made few steps in reducing the differences and worked closely for making a healthy bond. The visits made by Heads of Nations, MoUs and Agreements benefited both strategically and economically. The recent development regarding the political and economic issues was not very big success but still work in progress. The mutual success of both nations depends on the maturity of problem solving rather on creating more such problems. 

Puzzels need to be fixed  

        The issues which need to be fixed or needed attention are given below. These are problems due to time and geographical situations.

Political pillar: 
  • In the China-US relations the Americans gave importance to role of India in pacific region through US-Indo-Pacific Command. They even elevated India as a non-NATO ally on strategic interest. This elevation even though gave a strength to India but the closeness with US cost in terms of friendship with China and within region
  • In the past during terrorism activities regarding surgical strike, America supported the moves of India on military strike. The US-Pakistan relations still gave importance to good terrorist and bad terrorist nomenclature and USA not stopped in providing the funds to Pakistan for fighting terrorism. After pulling out of American forces completely the role of Pakistan going to increase in region. This will create unrest in region due to support of its terrorism. 
  • The issues of Iran got aggravated regarding trade. India is very much dependent on Iran for Natural gas and Oil. The push by Americans to stop trade with Iran made India to look other options. This move is very expensive in oil market to India. This also reduces the India stature regarding its foreign policy with other countries. India had interests in Iran regarding chabahar port. So the relations with Iran get effected by USA restrictions.
  • Under CAATSA (Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) the relations with russia was made unholy due to differences between the US and Russia. Russia (USSR) traditionally a good supporter for India regarding its high end technology and gave unconditional hand during difficult times. The recent call by US to distance India with Russia not only hurt the trust but also bring Pakistan close to Russian fold. Regarding purchase of S-400 missiles with Russia, the US sources objected but not pursued up to last end. This intervention in military policy would reduce the independence of Indian foreign policy.

  • In Afghan peace dialogue India wanted to have "Afghan led peace process" but this was not taken seriously due to importance given to Talibans in peace talks. These talks exclude the Afghan Government which is legitimate. The quick withdraw of US forces from afghan land would give free hand to extremists forces. Given past record of Pakistan proxies and non state actors in Afghan region, this is threat to Indian security.

Economic pillar:

  • The recent revoking of Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) which India benefitted under developing countries is now made un-functional. This make Indian products challenging to capture the american market.

  •  In context of imposing trade tariffs on aluminium and steel imported from India. USA is securing its domestic interest while threatening the Indian business houses by huge taxes.

  • The recent USA objection at WTO over Indian products like in case of Solar Photovoltic exposes the deep tensions regarding the business environment. 

  • The recent push made by US government in filtering out the Indian students through difficult visa rules, put the picture of both nations in turbulent path.
With all these issues and differences India made many historical changes and slowly manoeuvring the art of foreign policy. The military exercises and joint statements with head of nation gave new boost to cultural relations. The real work regarding strategic space and economic relations need to be sort out on both sides. US need to give more market space to Indian products. The Indians need to priorities the gains with partnering Americans. The USA being a super power and given its flexibility need to do more in terms of economic and political parameters. 



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