A lone survivor


                                                        Chapter -1

When the dark energy circling along the sky lines, the lights of Super-byke keep shattering on non-linear roads. Roads are filled with pot holes and filth that carried by urban rains. Using all skills to navigate the unsteady hand , Woody reached the vertically stacked building.

The building seems to be an aged ghost were light only flickers at last floor.
With heavy heart Woody pushed the door which was half locked . He was tired and body was wounded at work.

The laboured eyes of neighbor of the same floor made a suggestion of kindness. 

The building belongs to a goon and it was half build and left many spaces with cement bags, sand hills, Unused relics of art industry.

People of poor background and less privileg end up in one of these appartments. Many became as bonded labours to mastery. Some end up as good replacements for their dangerous games.

Woody was half trained in medicine and half trained in sports. He mainly deliver the dirty money to underdogs without much bringing to legal attention. He is pariah to someone. He took street fights for testing his luck. His friends in crime indulge in organ transplants for pety money. He distastefully accept the dirty money for feeding his dependents. The poor who are less previlage addicted to drugs, dance, easy money generally endup in that mamooth building. Some are ready to sell their kidneys/hearts/body parts if they had demand in market for packet of power pills .

Alas! sometimes the kidneys are not fit for organ transplantation. They already had poor lungs, ruined skin, week heart and many of them are on way to hell. Woody tries to talk sense to his fellow dependents on the floor but it was only ended with overdoses. So, his idea of creating his own community with dependents is pittyful idea.

Many unwanted childrens in his neighbourhood are outcome of illegal affairs and was thrown out by rich. Some sold by middle class into the black market. Woody is also one such child who was abandoned. 

All such children of many ages came near to him. Woody gently handed the infant to them for nursing. Some gave milk through bottle (milk powder was poured into water and stired fastly). Some humming the songs while the sun was setting.

The night life just started with lot of crackers and lights flashing on drunked dancers.

Woody took a quick nap. The sensor which was tagged to the near ear lighted up with buzzing sound. He picked his boss call and jot down few numbers.

He took a pill silently for Club Fight. The children in the room and balcony gave a smile with thumping hand sign. While a girl taking a paryer near a jesus potray, he disappeared into the dark.

The first round of unethical fist fight was started.

The opponent is "Bloody". It is consider as half man and half beast. The bloody never shout words nor rise the mouth.. The audience were shouting bigger and louder...

Bloodyyy .. Bloodyyy.. Bloodyy........Killer... Killer..

Kill  Woody with bear hands my dear ghost, someone yelled.  

Audience 3: Woody is filthy basterd son... Kill him.. 

Audience in last row: I would give my house.. kill Bloodyy

Crowd betting among themselves for Bloody to win. 

Woody  took the sharped knief from his one pocket. shown to the opponent. 

The Stop Watch was started. In the VIP balcony a group of investors betting among themselves.

The bloody with a heavy face rised the weapon to hit the woody face. 

Woody  faced a hit and gave a quick replay with a sucker punch. 

Bloody took his chain which was rounded to him it has large nails attached to it. It can extend like a strong long thread. It has few magic powers. Bloody got it from his elders for defending himself.

Audience 17 : I would kiss you woody if you kick the bloody Ass shouted a women.

The drug which was taken by woody started showing its power. His eyes changed into deep brown colour and his aura around him expanded into large. Everyone went silent by his appearence. Some started murmuring.

Woody with a quick run hit the knief into muscles of the bloody. Bloody is from alien race of Dexto planet who weighs 500 kgs died in the hands of XProto-Human race woody.

The blood from all the body parts of bloody was Oozing as green. Every one in the audiance went shocked and stood from their seats.

The great bloody fall heavily on the earth.

To everyone suprise woody took the weapon of the bloody as souvenir. He intensely kissed the gassping women who offered while fighting. 

The lights in the upper balcony went off . The don of the colony stood in balcony called Snake told to his comforts to bring Woody into his cabin.



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