Why Inclusive Development - Elusive

Despite Consistent experience of High growth, India still goes with the lowest indicators of human development. Examine the issues that make balanced and inclusive development elusive

The Human Development Index when it came into prominence the developing nations of Asia and Africa became more benefited and well monitored by their Governments for reaching developmental goals. The recent rank of India in terms of HDI shows poor performance in its human resources. This contradicts the Indian economic system performance by being the world's biggest economy. 

In spite of global turbulence due to trade wars, Climate Change challenges, Oil crisis, Food production imbalances, Failed Monsoons, etc. India continues to shine among the top economies. This achievement does not speak in the same length when it comes to the rank of the Human Development Index.

The reasons for the lowest indicators of human development are not kept secret, they need urgent improvements. Some of the burning issues of HDI are:

  • Poor Education and Health:- For any nation, its people's health and education need to be the topmost priority. In the case of India, the government spending it is not true. India spends very less share of its resources for the educational and health infrastructure. Even the present schemes and programs like "Digital India, Skill India, Khelo India, Make India" talks about education, the recent survey on school learnings shows the poor performance of students. India needs to spend its larger share of GDP in Research and Development and in skill training. The rising out of pocket expenditure for health shows the state of health set up in India. India is also known as one of the health tourist destinations. This is due to the large private health structure. These benefits need to be given to larger masses through the public health care system. Indian Asha workers, midwives, Self Help Groups contributed to improving women's condition from pregnancy to child care. Malnutrition, neonatal mortality rate, Infant mortality rate need to be improved when compared to neighboring countries. 

  • High Inequality:- The recent reports from "Oxfam Report", " Gini Index by World Bank" talks about the rising inequalities among people. India is also not exceptional in this case. After many economic reforms and structural changes. India continues to be the holder of a large chunk of wealth and major market. In hindsight, the 1% population holds more than 70% of the country's wealth. Theirs is no issue with the success of the business. India needs to produce more businessmen in line with the nation's top billionaires, but at what cost? If wealth is not distributed among the people of the nations, the developmental mindset and activities will get hinder. So, the governments of central and state need to spend in SMEs (Small and Medium Scale Enterprises), Start-Ups, Agripenuers for better capital utilization. Tax laws and enforcement authorities need to be vigilant while tax administration.  

  • Stagnation in Agriculture:- The agriculture sector is the largest employer in the world. India also has the largest employee base in its agriculture and allied activities. But, when it comes to contribution to GDP the agriculture sector contribution not very promising. In order to improve the rural economy, the agriculture sector needs radical changes with a vision. The crop loans, Minimum supporting prices, Farmers Producers Associations, KVKs, Government schemes helping the sector for present sector needs. For future climate-resilient farming, achieving sustainable development goals, doubling farmers' income a vibrant action plan from the government and private sector is needed. 

  • Red Tape and Corruption:- Due to colonial administrative setup many areas of bureaucracy in India are not open, rigid and non-emphatic to local conditions. The red-tapism act as a barrier to inclusive development. The issue of corruption is severe and present in every corner of the nation. Corrupt governments need to be scrutinized and institutions need to check with a proper public audit. 

  • Regional Differences:- The economic and cultural differences of the vast Indian geography act as a barrier for inclusive development. When there is internal migration among states, some state governments show indifference towards such minorities regarding jobs or social benefits. Such activities need to be demotivated in the large context of cooperative federalism. 

Conclusion: In order to have a balanced success in both HDI and in wealth growth with inclusive development the parameters of the respective ranking systems need to be improved. 


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