FPO's and its Roadblocks

I ndia is one old civilization where people of different languages and ethnic identities came together and living as one nation. The Cooperation among citizens not just helped economic and social interest but also strengthens the national building. According to economic historian, Charles Guide “Cooperation is self-help and each for all “. Self-help means the pride of supplying one’s own needs by one’s own resources, of being one’s own merchant banker, money lender and employer. “Each for all”, means to seek liberation, not only for oneself but for and through others. Cooperatives: During the British Rule in India, Nicholson a British officer in India suggested to introduce “Raiffersen” model of German agricultural credit Cooperatives in India. As a follow-up of that recommendation, the first Cooperative Society Act of 1904 was enacted to enable formation of “agricultural credit cooperatives” in villages in Indi...