Doordarshan turning into 60 years on September, 15,2019 is one of the memorable day in history of Independent India. It is a recorder of all emotions, festivals, sorrows, games, politics, trade, art, culture, dance and dreams. Every household members shares some memory with the DD channel because of the changes it made in peoples dailylife. If I recollected the past memory with DD, it is mostly news, songs and movies.It is not just one more objective experience of life more than that it is part of life to many people. The kind of attention that TV drawn at that period instantaneously melted with whatever the content that DD channel offered to its viewers. Be it shaktiman, Bhoom shakala bhoom,Cow boy  movies, Jokes by DuckTales, Aladdin nights etc.
                                                                                     After the school time many kids just like me eagerly waits for the moment with TV for chitralahari show which was popular in Telugu states. Whenever there is Sunday or public holidays the time would rolled out as minutes by sitting before the DD channel. The food like cabbage, snake guard, bottle guard and cauliflower which is not gulped easily as kid was solved by the songs and dances of DD channel. Like many kids I would plant before TV watching DD news, farmers programms and spend hours without even eyeing on clock. It is the only destiny for all the middle aged womens, childrens and old people to spend time at evening by watching their loved serials. The man in the house wait for their turn at evening 7 clock for the national news to watch and start debating about the politics and national issues.

It is magic of sound and pixels on the screen which kept humans life more entertainment and hooked. The DD channel even though a public institution which was not well competed with present cable channels, it still stood as exceptional in terms of different shades of channels. The DD group provide separately services on linguistics lines like DD Punjab, DD Bengali, DD NorthEast, DD chandan etc. It also provide DD Kissan for farmers, DD Bharathi for Indian art and culture, DD Sports for sports culture, DD News for english viewers etc. These all services are catered to the needs of people for the entertainment and enhancement of life. 
                                                              The DD presently operate with network of 34 satellite channels and providing free- to- air DTH service having 104 in its bookings. The recent addition of science and technology also put the DD channels commitment for sharing of knowledge and information.This information age in today’s world is the power of knowledge or data.The school infrastructure is not reaching every child or people in rural area, but the DD with its public awareness messages and science serials made every working mind to take cognisance of scientific problems. The health programs and government benefits are well advertised in between the shows so that the citizens could use them effectively without blind belief.

The crew of the DD just brings every national and international news with more facts, which is valuable in taking decisions to local administrators. Given the gap in transmitting information through government bodies the usage of DD in primary health is immense.During the elections the Election Commission, allot the time period to respective parties a time slot for their campaign building so that the voices of leader could reach every one . This is important for any democracy to thrive.Due to the nature of operations the conundrum of time allocation to the party in government existed. Politics aside the contribution to nationalism, bridging the identity gaps and improving scientific temper has been the important work of communication channels. This was strongly displayed by DD channels while working out with rural and tribal communities.

The DD channel founded on September 15, 1959. It, revolutionized the television circuit in India and ensured a balance between information and entertainment. Then In 1959, inside the studios of the All India Radio, Doordarshan began as an experimental broadcast, with a small transmitter and a temporary studio. Six years later, in 1965, Pratima Puri read out the first five-minute-long news bulletin. She also went on to interview Yuri Gagarin, the first man to travel into outer space.  It was guaranteed institutional autonomy in the early 1990s when the issue was raised in the Parliament and a legislation was passed that the public broadcaster should be autonomous. Then the Prasar Bharati Act was subsequently passed in 1997 to create what is known as the broadcasting corporation of India. Which is not exactly cooperation because it did not come technically under corporation act. All the assets of Doordarshan and AIR was handled by Prasar bharati. The artistic expression in every part of the country is given important and freedom of expression is still hold more significant by the administrators of the Doordarshan. This is the uniqueness of the DD and it is great contribution to media community.

After the booming Television industry in country the content creation and entertainment multiplied into many times. The digital videos brought many issues which was never debated and stalled. The relevance of the DD with its new avatars through other child channels can be seen in present times as leader in setting the discourse. Even though their was heavy competition from private channels the DD can outsmart in many places. Every private channels telecast the content of any ISRO launches, Parliamentary proceedings, President Speeches, National day celebrations and National sports through help of Prasar bharati, which in turn provided by DD. The technology and professional talent pool of the DD is huge and valued very much by the viewers. The support system to DD need to be kept intact even if it do not bring profits to the cooperation. 
                                                                                            Commemorating  the 60 years celebration of the DD channel the government of the day made a MoU with South Korea to telecast its programs in its country also. The services of DD already being telecasted across 146 countries and reaching out to Indian diaspora. The role of present digital space getting larger and larger and only few places are kept untouched. The DD channel also providing the digital services without charging any fees. The revenue generation mostly handled by advertisements and by sponsors. To dear DD, I wish you, more success and should strengthen your roots with every walk of life. You should continue your services by  providing a healthy entertainment and help in building the nation while solving the problems. And I bid my Adieu to DD.



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