ICT projects - Factors
ICT( Information Communicaton and Technology) is used as bridging the gap between many disciplines. The inequalities in societies still existed in 21st century when the democratic process practiced. India which has its historical bag of wrongs, it still continue to be the most un-connected society to world. The ICT services brought some juistice in reducing the differences. But, due to very poor educational levels and political awerness these services are not used effectively. In technical sense these ICT projects do not meet the expectations/targets and some did it very well. According to stuy done by Heeks, 35% of the e-government projects were total failure. According to him the reasons for the failure of ICT projects was due to difference between the reality and design. They are Information gap Processing gap Objectives gap Management system gap Values gap ICT in general include design studies, development studies and diffusion studies. These need a great ...